Welcome to the Cross Trained Mind Complete AI Curriculum. This part of the site will give you highly recommended resources for anyone to learn about all aspects of artificial intelligence. These resources will be books, papers, people, videos, sites, and courses. Every resource will be rated on two scales, from beginner to advanced and from non-technical to technical. We here at the Cross Trained Mind fully believe that anyone can learn anything given enough time and effort. We want to reduce the time and effort it takes to find the right resources for you, but you are the only one who can use them for your own benefit.
This will always be a work in progress, as there are resources being released constantly. As your humble curriculum provider, I will continue to add or modify this site only the best resources that I personally review. That said, artificial intelligence is a truly massive field that no one person can keep up with. As such, I’ll gladly look into any resource recommended to me from the contact form on the About page.