Author:  Michał Jaworski and Tarek Ziadé
Publisher:  Packt
Publication Date:  May 28, 2021
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Prerequisites: Expert Python

Disclaimer: The publisher sent me a copy of this book for review. I promise that everything said here is my own opinion regardless. All reviews at the Cross Trained Mind are open and honest.

About This Book

So you think you know Python? I bet you don’t, at least not to this level. But this book can change that. While you might know how to do most anything in the language, can you write C extensions for a performance boost? How are your metaprogramming skills? Can you handle concurrent programming? This book discusses all of these and a lot more.

Who Is This For?

The primary audience for this is a very experienced programmer that uses advanced Python in a production environment. Those of us who use Python for simpler problems will also get some useful tips and tricks from this book as well.


At first, I was perplexed that there was no macrostructure to this book, but after looking at the table of contents, I realized that would have been difficult. Each of the topics after the first few introductory chapters is completely different with little to no relationship. Within each chapter, however, the author placed Technical Requirements and Summary sections. This helps the reader understand what they need to know before reading the chapter as well as give a refresher afterward.

Did This Book Succeed?

I think this is a great book to learn those last bits of Python that most people miss. Want to keep up with the latest on the language? There’s a chapter about that. Want to improve your testing automation? This book discusses it. It’s THE book to top off your Python programming abilities.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Overall, I give this book a 5 out of 5.

If you’re a Python developer, get this book to learn a few new skills that your fellow devs won’t know. You’ll learn new techniques and refine old ones that will let you program in new ways. It belongs on your bookshelf.

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